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Smooth Your Skin with Expert Acne Scar Treatment in NYC by Dr. Debra Jaliman


Dr. Jaliman is a board-certified dermatologist who specializes in the treatment of acne, a common skin disease, as well as acne scars, which make up half of her medical practice. Since 2004, she has consistently been recognized as one of Castle Connolly's top doctors. Numerous patients visit her dermatology practice in Manhattan seeking treatment for persistent acne and different types of scars. Many of these scars are permanent, but they can be significantly improved with appropriate treatment. With her extensive experience and expertise, she has become a renowned specialist in using different treatment methods to address acne scars. Acne scars can manifest as alterations in skin color and texture, both of which require attention. Achieving optimal results involves skillfully combining various products to address discoloration, selecting the appropriate laser for your skin tone, and utilizing complementary treatments such as peels, injectable fillers, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma). Dr. Jaliman carefully addresses each patient's specific needs and tailors a personalized treatment plan accordingly. For over 25 years, she has also been teaching residents at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NYC, focusing on surgical dermatology in the clinic. Her exceptional skills enable her to successfully treat even the most challenging cases that other doctors may find difficult. Dr. Jaliman remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in medicine by diligently studying the latest studies and articles. To discuss the potential benefits and risks of various treatment options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jaliman at her Upper East Side, New York office by calling  .

What are they?

Acne, an inflammatory skin condition, has the potential to cause acne scarring and skin damage in susceptible individuals. It can affect both teenagers and adults of all ages. In cases of severe cystic acne, individuals who have not consulted a dermatologist or received a correct diagnosis or proper acne treatment may develop scars due to collagen damage in the dermis, the middle layer of the skin. Some individuals are unfortunate enough to develop scars from minor blemishes on their faces. Others may have minor acne, a few pustules, pimples, or whiteheads that they have picked at, resulting in damage and injuries to the layers of their skin and the subsequent formation of scars. This can happen to both women and men of any age. Scars can occur on various parts of the body, including the face, nose, chin, chest, shoulders, neck, mouth, and back. Recent research suggests that patients with acne scars may have altered wound healing. These scars can significantly impact someone's appearance, self-confidence, and self-esteem and may even lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Both acne and acne scarring can significantly impact people's lives.

It is crucial to select a specialist in dermatology who has expertise in treating various types of acne scars in all areas of the body. During your appointment with Dr. Jaliman, she will thoroughly explain the latest technologies and treatment options, such as fillers like Juvederm, light chemical peels, laser resurfacing,microneedling, subcision, and PRP derived from your own blood. She will discuss the potential risks, side effects, and benefits associated with each procedure, helping you to choose the most suitable treatment for the severity of your scarring. She will provide you with information regarding the healing process, potential discomfort, and pain that may be involved, as well as the availability of pain medications. There is a range of procedures available, some requiring minimal downtime, while others may necessitate up to a week of recovery.

Dr. Debra Jaliman's patient who has received acne scar treatment at her NYC office

The doctor and her team will take a complete history, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and provide guidance on skincare and aftercare for the treatment area. She has extensive expertise in various techniques and has achieved remarkable success in the reduction of acne scars and the rejuvenation of acne-scarred skin. A personalized skincare regimen will be devised to prevent the development of future acne lesions and cysts, minimize excess oil (sebum) and bacteria on your skin, and prevent clogged pore pores caused by dead skin cells. She stays up-to-date and reviews a variety of world research in the field. After accurately diagnosing the cause of your acne breakout (whether hormonal or product-related), she will explore the most effective solutions for your scarring concerns. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat acne scars and to achieve an optimal result. She will assist you in selecting the most suitable option and device to give you the best results. It is important to note that there is no single best treatment, and often, a combination of treatments is necessary for the most effective reduction of scar skin tissue. She can also go over the price of the different treatments as these are considered cosmetic/aesthetic procedures and are not covered by health insurance. There is a significant cost to these treatments, which will be discussed in detail.

What type of scars are there?

There are two primary types of scars: atrophic scars, which involve the loss and destruction of collagen and elasticity, and elevated hypertrophic scars, which result from an excess of collagen and the formation of thick nodules. There are other forms of scars, such as ice pick scars, boxcar scars, and rolling scars. Some patients may experience overall skin texture issues, including enlarged pores, rough texture, and uneven skin color. Lasers can be used to improve these conditions as well.

How are scars treated?

There are different treatments for acne scars depending upon the type of scar. Ice-pick scars are best treated with punch excision. This is an in-office minor surgical procedure. The skin is numbed with an injection of lidocaine, a local anesthetic. This is injected, and most patients only feel a slight burning sensation. The scar is cut out and then sewed up and closed with a suture. A linear scar is left afterward, which can be improved with either a silicone scar bandage or laser treatments.

Microdermabrasion and lasers can also be utilized to boost collagen and elastin production for shallower scars. These lasers can reduce pore size, enhance skin radiance, and even diminish wrinkles. This is particularly advantageous for older patients who are beginning to observe fine lines and wrinkles, as well as those who have acne scars. In some cases, taking antibiotics prior to undergoing more intense laser treatments may be necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection.

What is the best way to treat scars?

Treating acne scars can pose a challenge as there is no universally acknowledged best treatment approach that guarantees success for all individuals. It is crucial to consult a specialist who can assess your skin condition and provide a range of treatment options.

A patient who received an acne scar treatment at Debra Jaliman's Manhattan, NYC dermatology clinic

Can fillers be used?

Atrophic and depressed scars can be effectively treated by injecting a hyaluronic acid filler such as Juvaderm or Restylane. This procedure helps to add a small amount of volume to the affected area, effectively plumping up the scar. To minimize the risk of bruising, we utilize a specialized device called Veinlite, which allows us to visualize the veins beneath the skin surface and avoid any accidental nicking. In some cases, swelling or bruising may still occur as a potential side effect of the injectables if the veins are inadvertently nicked. However, these symptoms typically subside within a few days or a week.

Does Arnica help with bruising?

Additionally, we offer arnica, which can be taken orally or applied through special patches (Cearna OcuMend) to expedite the healing process of any bruises. In order to avoid swelling, it is common practice to administer prednisone tablets orally for a brief time. These pills are readily available in our office, allowing you to take them promptly after the procedure. It is important to note that hyaluronic acid fillers are not permanent and will require repeated treatments every eight months to a year.

Can steroid injections be used?

Hypertrophic elevated scars can be effectively treated using hydrocortisone injections, which contain a steroid that helps to reduce the thickness of the scar and bring it to the same level as the surrounding skin. Multiple injections are usually required with a gap of one month between each treatment session.

How do silicone scar bandages help?

Another option for improving these scars is the use of silicone scar bandages. Although the exact mechanism is not fully understood, it is believed that these bandages exert pressure on the skin, inhibit excess collagen growth, and reduce blood flow to the scar area. As a result, they effectively minimize the redness, itching, thickness, and firmness of the scar. It is important to note that visible results may take several months of consistent daily usage. The recommended duration of wearing these bandages is 12 to 24 hours per day, depending upon the location of the scar. We recommend Epi-Derm silicone sheeting, which can be purchased online and is one of the best bandages used for these purposes. You can place orders online for these. The patches should be removed while showering.

Can surgery help?

Minor surgery may be necessary to remove thick scar tissue, which can be done in the office. Local anesthesia, typically lidocaine, is administered with a small needle to numb the area. Patients may experience a slight burning sensation during the injection. After the scar is removed, the skin is closed with sutures, and a small wound is left to heal for about a week. Depending on the size of the scar, patients may experience slight discomfort or tenderness at the site of the surgery. Proper wound care, including cleaning with alcohol and applying antibiotic ointment, is crucial for optimal healing. It is also important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before tending to the wound to prevent bacterial contamination and skin infection.

Does microneedling help?

The procedure involves the repetitive puncturing of the skin using sterile needles. Sometimes, exosomes and growth factors grown in a lab are used with this therapy, while in other instances, PRP taken from a patient's blood is used. Serums containing hyaluronic acid may also be used. This treatment has been referred to as collagen induction therapy due to its ability to stimulate collagen production.

Can microdermabrasion help scars?

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed in-office using a specialized applicator to gently eliminate dead skin cells from the outer layer of the skin. It is a safe and effective treatment that helps improve the texture and appearance of acne scars. Microdermabrasion can be performed at home, but the results are not as effective because it's a more superficial procedure.

Can subcision help scars?

The insertion of needles beneath the scar is performed to loosen the collagen fibers and elevate the scar. This technique helps to break up the fibrous scar tissue and stimulates the production of new collagen. To minimize any discomfort, a topical numbing cream can be applied 20 minutes prior to the procedure.

Can PRP improve scars?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can be administered to specific acne scars to stimulate the production of collagen and help lift the scar. The platelets used in this procedure are derived from the patient's own blood and contain growth factors. One major benefit is that you cannot have an allergic reaction to it since it originates from your own body.

What types of lasers are used for scars?

The Reliant Fraxel laser is a fractional laser and an FDA-approved technology used to treat acne scars. The laser induces micro-injuries and pinpoint wounds in the skin, stimulating a healing response without causing harm to the skin itself. The process promotes the production of fresh collagen, effectively reducing the appearance of acne scars and enhancing skin smoothness. Treatment involves a series of laser skin sessions typically spaced one month apart. The number of treatments required may vary for each person, but most patients undergo approximately four sessions.

A personalized laser acne treatment plan will be designed specifically for your scars. Following each Fraxel laser treatment, there is downtime of approximately 5 to 7 days. During this period, there may be redness and some swelling, which can be concealed with makeup or tinted sunscreen. The redness typically subsides within a week. Prior to the treatment, a topical numbing cream is applied by the staff for 30 minutes, providing a numbing effect. A Zimmer Chiller device is used during treatment to cool the skin and minimize discomfort. Most patients experienced minimal discomfort during the procedure. Ice packs are applied immediately afterward to alleviate any potential burning or stinging and to minimize swelling. Generally, oral medications are not required for this treatment.

Are there other lasers that do not require downtime for scarring?

The Cynosure RevLite laser is an effective solution for treating acne scars. This non-ablative laser treatment eliminates the need for downtime. We often combine it with microdermabrasion to enhance its effectiveness. Typically, a series of six or more treatments spaced two weeks apart is recommended. It's important to evaluate each patient individually, taking into account the severity of their acne scars, to determine the most suitable laser scar treatment or combination of lasers.

Can radiofrequency be used?

The skin quality can be improved by utilizing radiofrequency. The Cynosure TempSure Envi radiofrequency device typically requires 4 treatments, spaced one month apart. Radiofrequency technology stimulates collagen production, resulting in the improvement of acne scars. Most individuals only experience a sensation of warmth during the procedure, without any discomfort and great benefit. This treatment is safe for all skin colors because it deeply penetrates the skin, bypassing the outer layer. Radiofrequency is often used in combination with lasers to enhance the effect.

Can treatment modalities be combined with these scars?

Often, we opt for a combination of various therapies to address acne scars. Sometimes, individuals may begin their treatment with a Reliant Fraxel laser. This fractional laser expedites the healing process of their acne scars. They may change to the Revlite laser if their busy social life does not permit any downtime. Every patient is unique, and their available choices are thoroughly assessed to create a customized treatment plan.

What can I do if I don’t have scars but just have residual redness from acne?

Reducing skin redness can be achieved through various products. It is crucial to apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 to 50 sunscreen with a high concentration of zinc oxide, preferably above 10%, every day, regardless of the weather. Even on a rainy day, UV (ultraviolet light) rays can still penetrate the skin and cause inflammation. Zinc oxide is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective ingredient in reducing redness. Other products that contain green tea, caffeine, and resveratrol can also help alleviate redness.

Does the Lightwave help with this type of treatment?

Additionally, the Lightwave blue light therapy machine is a painless and highly effective treatment that uses LED (light-emitting diodes) lights to improve the skin's condition. There is no downtime required for this treatment, making it a convenient option for those looking to reduce redness and inflammation.

Can the Genesis laser be used?

The Cutera Xeo Laser Genesis is a laser that effectively reduces redness. This 1064 YAG laser is painless and requires no downtime. It is suitable for all skin types and typically requires 4 to 6 treatments two weeks apart. In addition to reducing redness, it also improves skin texture, minimizes pores, and adds a healthy glow. For blood vessels, also called spider veins, on the face or anywhere on the body, the Cool Glide laser is an effective treatment that usually requires 1 to 3 sessions scheduled a month apart.

What can I do if I’m left with residual pigmentation from acne?

If you are dealing with residual pigmentation from acne, which is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, it is crucial to incorporate a daily routine of wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 to 50. Look for a product that contains a high concentration of zinc oxide, as this ingredient helps protect against further discoloration and inflammation. There are various skin care products available that specifically target brown spots on the cheeks and face. Dr. Jaliman can devise an individual skincare routine to combat these specific problems and give you advice about your concerns.

To prevent the worsening of the pigment, it is important to avoid sun exposure and outdoor activities during the midday sun from the times of 10 AM to 3 PM, as UV rays can exacerbate discoloration and brown marks on the skin. Wear sun-protective clothing or a hat with UPF, an ultraviolet protection factor of 50, and a 2-inch brim to protect the face. Don't forget to protect your lips. Individuals with darker eyes and skin tones may be more prone to experiencing discoloration from acne. Dermatologists can provide effective solutions for this issue, such as incorporating antioxidants like vitamin C serum and other topical treatments, as well as utilizing laser treatments. Dr. Jaliman can also recommend beauty brands that are suitable for your skin type, ensuring they do not cause any bumps or clogged pores.

What ingredients should I look for if I have hyperpigmentation from acne?

There are various ingredients that can aid in reducing hyperpigmentation, such as retinol, niacinamide, kojic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, and hydroquinone. Vitamin C is also known to be highly effective in decreasing hyperpigmentation. Ingredients can be found in serums, creams, and pads.

Dr. Jaliman has created a range of products that can be used for this purpose. We offer two options for placing an order, online or by calling our office. Shipping services are available within the continental United States. You can find our Vitamin C serum here.

Do peels help hyperpigmentation?

Another way to address hyperpigmentation is the use of a light peel. There are certain peels available that can be beneficial for hyperpigmentation. One such peel is the Vitalize peel, which consists of lactic acid, salicylic acid, and retinoic acid. This particular peel can assist in reducing pigmentation. Within a day or two following the treatment, you may experience a gentle peeling of the skin. During this process, some of the dark discoloration may be shed. Typically, it may be necessary to undergo 3 to 6 peels, with each peel being performed every 3 weeks. The best part is that these peels do not require any downtime and are completely comfortable. A peel is applied to the skin, and patients can set a timer on their phones to wash it off after six hours. Additionally, it is perfectly fine to apply makeup or sunscreen over the peel.

Can drugs be taken orally for hyperpigmentation?

Tranexamic acid can be taken as a pill for hyperpigmentation. It can increase your risk of blood clots, so it's necessary to discuss this with your doctor.

Can I have a laser to decrease the hyperpigmentation?

The Fraxel laser is effective in reducing hyperpigmentation and improving acne scars. There is also another laser known as the Clear + Brilliant Permea, which functions similarly to the Fraxel laser. This laser specifically targets brown discoloration and enhances skin texture. Unlike the Fraxel laser, the Clear + Brilliant Permea only results in 4 to 6 hours of redness and downtime. Many patients appreciate this laser as they can easily conceal the redness, which resembles sunburn, and continue their daily activities. If you prefer a laser treatment with no downtime, the Cynosure RevLite laser is also capable of reducing hyperpigmentation and enhancing overall texture. It is an exceptional treatment method. This is why we sometimes utilize a combination of devices to address acne scars. Each session involves a peel or laser treatment and will show improvements in acne scars. The laser energy employed will be adjusted based on your skin color. In the case of darker skin tones, a lower laser energy with less heat will be employed.

Can I undergo laser treatment for this if I have eczema?

Eczema is a common skin disease that causes skin inflammation, and people who have it have very sensitive skin. Signs include redness, peeling, dryness, and sensitivity to products. This dermatitis is one of the skin conditions that Dr. Jaliman treats very frequently in her office. The Cutera Xeo Laser is a suitable and efficient option for individuals with eczema, as it is gentle on their sensitive and delicate skin. Lasers like the Fraxel, a fractional laser, may prove to be too irritating for individuals with eczema.

Can Botox treatments be effective with this type of treatment?

It is possible. If an acne scar is located within a frown line, the scar could potentially be improved through the use of Botox. By relaxing the muscles and stretching the skin, Botox may effectively improve the appearance of the scar within the frown line. Botox injections may also be beneficial in the forehead area.

Is it possible to have flawless skin if I’ve had acne scarring?

It is crucial to maintain realistic expectations regarding your acne scar treatments despite the significant improvement your skin will exhibit. The majority of our patients express great satisfaction and are content with the outcome. It is important to acknowledge that once your skin has been scarred, achieving a flawless, picture-perfect appearance is not possible. The number of non-ablative laser sessions you can undergo is unlimited, enabling continuous enhancement of your skin's texture and complexion. Non-ablative lasers are suitable for all skin types and skin colors. To address enlarged oil glands and improve a rough texture, an electric needle technique can be used by a physician with caution to avoid causing excessive trauma and depression in the skin.

Can I have treatment while I have active acne?

It is not recommended to have acne scar treatment when you have active acne. As much as we’d like to start treating your acne scars immediately, it is very important to get your acne breakouts under control first. If your acne is not under control, your skin is inflamed, and the lasers, peels, and other treatments will not be as effective. Don’t stress, this is one of the triggers for acne; Dr. Jaliman will clear your acne with specific acne treatments. She will recommend topical as well as oral medications. She will review your skincare and may suggest a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer and serum to add hydration and moisture to your skin. To prevent causing blackheads and papules, your products should not contain heavy oil. Even hair oils have been known to cause breakouts along the hairline. She will make the necessary changes to your skin care regimen so that you are acne-free. She will then begin working on your acne scars.

Can laser treatments cause skin cancer?

This is something that many patients are concerned about. The laser is used for acne scars and other skin treatments that do not have the same ultraviolet wavelengths as sunlight. UV light from sunlight, for example, causes DNA damage and can potentially result in skin cancer. Laser treatments specifically designed for acne scars and other skin conditions do not pose a risk of causing skin cancer. They are totally safe and effective, and, in fact, they are FDA-approved.

Is scar removal permanent?

Using lasers to eliminate acne scars results in permanent elimination of these scars. However, if you experience a resurgence of active acne and develop fresh lesions and cysts, you may develop new scars. That is why it is essential to continue to follow the skin regimen prescribed for you.

Are these scars treatable?

Acne scars can certainly be effectively treated. There are many safe and effective ways to treat acne scars. Dr. Jaliman will help you in selecting the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs, considering the wide range of available options.

Could I receive a facelift even if I have scars?

There are numerous factors to take into account when deciding to undergo a facelift procedure. Despite having acne scars, it is still possible to achieve a favorable outcome from a facelift. It most likely will improve your overall appearance. Make certain to study the credentials of the plastic surgeon and make certain they are board-certified.

Does insurance cover this treatment?

Acne scar removal is classified as a cosmetic procedure, which means that it is not eligible for insurance coverage. Often, the treatment for acne is covered by insurance. Prior to undergoing any procedures, a comprehensive discussion regarding the expenses involved will take place to ensure complete transparency.

Call board-certified NYC dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD, at her Manhattan practice today to schedule a consultation for your acne scar treatment.

Why does acne cause scarring?

As the most prevalent skin ailment in the United States, acne affects up to 50 million people a year. According to estimates, one in five acne patients will experience scarring from their acne. Even if there are certain risk factors for acne scarring, it is impossible to determine who will get acne scars. A genetic susceptibility could exist, as evidenced by a family history of acne scars and cystic acne. Acne lesions will likely form a spot if inflammatory acne isn't treated immediately. Acne scar formation is more likely when acne lesions and cysts are picked, squeezed, or burst because these actions inflict more damage to the skin and exacerbate inflammation. It is essential to get advice from an acne specialist, like Dr. Debra Jaliman in NYC, if you are experiencing acne breakouts. As a globally recognized specialist in cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Jaliman will assist you in controlling your acne outbreaks, and infections to minimize the risk of acne scarring and provide acne scar treatment methods that will give you long-lasting, clear, healthy skin.

Why do acne skin depressions form?

When inflammation brought on by an acne lesion destroys the skin tissue underneath irreversibly, acne scars develop. Collagen is produced as a result of the natural wound-healing process. Depression-like scars from acne appear when not enough collagen is created. Scars get elevated when too much collagen is formed. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the term used to describe the dark spots that remain on the skin after an outbreak. These pigmented lesions may go away independently and are not acne scars.

Nevertheless, based on your skin type and tone, Dr. Jaliman can propose a mix of in-office treatments and specially developed skin care products that will lighten them more quickly. Acne scarring is more common in some people than in others. Those who have family histories of acne scarring are more likely to get scars than people who do not. It is believed that acne scarring may have a hereditary component. Certain people are more likely to develop acne scars than others. For this reason, it's imperative to treat acne outbreaks, especially cystic acne, as soon as possible.

How do dermatologists treat scars?

An experienced and skilled healthcare provider, like a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Jaliman, in NYC, determines the ideal therapies for each individual, considering skin type, skin tone, acne scar severity, and the type of scars. The ideal acne scar treatment plan is usually a mixed approach because every patient develops flaws differently. Acne scars can be significantly improved by employing various acne scar treatment solutions.

Subcision with dermal fillers

Subcision combined with dermal fillers is a helpful treatment for depressed scars, including shallow boxcar scars and rolling scars. For deep boxcar or icepick scars, subcision is usually not advised. A needle punctures the skin's surface during a subcision treatment. The fibrotic scar tissue strands holding the outer layers of your skin to their underlying tissue are then broken apart with the sharp needle edge. The skin then creates new collagen within the treated region and heals with a more even, smoother skin texture, and the fibrotic bands of scar tissue are freed. Dermal fillers are used in subcision to restore lost volume while giving even smoother skin by injecting the filler directly into the acne scar. Dr. Jaliman frequently uses hyaluronic acid dermal fillers for subcision to get the best possible cosmetic results with no recovery time.

Sculptra is a special kind of dermal filler because it contains poly-L-lactic acid, which, after injection, promotes the formation of new collagen in the treated area. The production of collagen smoothes the skin's texture over time, lessening the visibility of depressed acne scars. For best results, most patients need a brief course of three Sculptra treatment sessions. Each Sculptra treatment takes four to six weeks to take effect, and the effects can last for up to two years. To preserve excellent results, most patients have follow-up therapy sessions regularly.

Hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the skin and promotes moisture and a youthful appearance, is the basis for dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. They are frequently used to fill facial wrinkles, replenish lost volume, improve facial features such as the lips, conceal acne scars, and define and contour the jawline. Dr. Jaliman advises drinking plenty of water and abstaining from blood thinners and alcohol for a few days after the procedure. After the treatment, any mild side effects, such as swelling and bruises, should go away in three to five days. The results last six to eight months, depending on the patient's metabolism and the type of hyaluronic acid (HA) filler utilized. With the injectable filler, you may instantly restore volume to these scars, and over time, your skin will rejuvenate and produce new collagen and elastin, making this subcision technique very successful. Even after just one treatment, Dr. Jaliman's unique combination of subcision and injection can improve the appearance of scars.

In 2015, the FDA authorized Bellafill as a substitute for treating nasolabial folds and moderate-to-deep acne scars. Because Bellafill injections may last up to five years, it's a popular solution for some individuals with acne scars. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres and a collagen foundation make up Bellafill injectable fillers. Bellafill contains a basis of bovine collagen. Thus, before any cosmetic injection, it is imperative to skin test every patient for Bellafill allergies. The PMMA microspheres remain in the skin after Bellafill injections, while the body consumes the collagen in the acne scars. After consuming the collagen, the PMMA continues to provide long-lasting support for five years. Many patients with severe scars find Bellafill appealing because it is a long-term acne scar treatment.

Chemical peels

A chemical peel is a resurfacing procedure that improves the overall tone and skin texture using chemo exfoliation to speed up skin cell turnover and stimulate new collagen synthesis. Chemical peels come in various forms that can be used to treat acne scars; all involve using an extra acid-based component to exfoliate the skin's surface. Chemical peels come at three depths: shallow, medium, and deep. Depending on the extent of the acne scarring, Dr. Jaliman will frequently choose between a superficial and medium-depth peel to address the condition. Generally, glycolic acid or mild trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are the most effective superficial chemical peels for acne. The acid solution used for medium-depth peels typically contains 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or more. Three to six chemical peels are usually advised for acne scarring treatments, depending on the degree of hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.

TCA Cross is a chemical treatment used for ice-pick scars from acne that encourages the skin's natural creation of new elastin and collagen. The TCA Cross involves injecting some concentrated TCA into the indentations left by acne scars. Patients with darker skin tones should not receive this treatment since there is a chance of hyperpigmentation as a possible side effect. Dr. Jaliman suggests three to five treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart for the best results. After the treatment, the skin's surface can continue to improve for up to four months, when new collagen can form as soon as four weeks later.


Known by another name, collagen induction therapy, microneedling, or RF microneedling is a popular cosmetic technique that involves creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin with a handheld instrument containing tiny needles. This acne scar treatment encourages the skin's natural wound-healing mechanism, which increases the synthesis of new elastin and collagen and improves the appearance of acne scars. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) microneedling improves the rejuvenation outcomes. PRP is a topical serum given to the epidermis following the creation of microchannels in the skin by a microneedling device by the treating physician. A sample from the patient's blood is taken and centrifuged to separate plasma from the red blood, and then the plasma is drawn into sterile syringes for use. This process yields PRP. The high concentration of epidermal growth factors in plasma helps to enhance the outcomes of a microneedling procedure.

For acne scarring, radiofrequency microneedling serves as an additional cutting-edge helpful option. During the microneedling procedure, small needles are used to create tiny punctures in the epidermis, and radiofrequency is utilized to heat the dermis and maximize the synthesis of new collagen. Dr. Jaliman's dermatology practice provides the microneedling procedure. With minimal downtime, radiofrequency microneedling provides a non-invasive procedure that leaves the skin firmer, smoother, healthier, and more youthful and radiant.

Other treatment options

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that removes the upper layer of skin with a specific abrasive tool. Various dermal layers of the skin are additionally treated to encourage the creation of new collagen. The area to be treated is numbed.  This treatment option comes with a few weeks of recovery, during which the treated area could be puffy, red, or blotchy. Darker skin types or those with a past of keloid scarring should avoid dermabrasion as it might result in unfavorable side effects like hyperpigmentation (pih) and scarring.

Microdermabrasion encourages the development of new collagen by removing the outermost layer of skin and smoothing out the skin's texture. Crystal microdermabrasion is the term for conventional microdermabrasion. A special handpiece is used to softly spray tiny crystals (often sodium bicarbonate or aluminum oxide) to sand away the skin's surface layer during a crystal microdermabrasion skin treatment. To gently exfoliate the skin's outer layer, diamond microdermabrasion involves immediately putting a handpiece with a diamond tip on the skin's surface. This treatment option has no downtime, no pain, and it is not invasive. 

Hypertrophic and keloid scars, raised spots, and aggressive acne lesions can all be effectively reduced with steroid injections of Kenalog. Intralesional Kenalog injections are typically required for the successful flattening of hypertrophic scars. A series of injections is usually required.

Punch excision is a non-invasive surgical scar revision procedure perfect for deep ice-pick scars. In treating acne scarring, scar tissue is removed using a punch tool commonly used in skin cancer biopsy. During the procedure, the acne scar is removed with the punch tool. Fine sutures are then used to close the remaining incision after removing the spot. When the skin heals, the acne scar is replaced by a flatter, less visible defect.

What type of treatment works the best?

A specialist, like a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman, in NYC, will create a personalized treatment plan for you to minimize acne scars. That is because various treatment approaches are frequently the most effective way to eliminate acne scars. Finding out what kind of acne scars is the first step in removing them. To create the best acne scar treatment plan, a skilled board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Jaliman also considers the patient's skin type, skin tone, and skin condition. Speak with a qualified medical expert like Dr. Jaliman for the greatest cosmetic outcomes. You can discuss your specific skin issues and overall cosmetic goals by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Jaliman at her exclusive, upscale dermatology practice in New York. After that, Dr. Jaliman will work with you to design a schedule and treatment plan specifically tailored to your acne scarring needs.

Which skin irregularities are easy to treat?

Rolling scars are the most straightforward kind of acne scar to treat. Since rolling scars are mild and somewhat shallow, they usually react favorably to various acne scar treatment techniques. Because of their depth and tight v-shape, ice-pick scars are among the most challenging acne scars to treat. Long-term cases of acne frequently cause rolling scars, while deep, cystic acne lesions are more likely to result in ice-pick scars. Ice-pick scars are the most challenging type to cure because of their unique characteristics. Many patients have a unique combination of several types of acne scars. A combination treatment method and several sessions with a board-certified, experienced dermatologist like Dr. Debra Jaliman in NYC is usually necessary to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Punch excision, chemical peels, and laser treatments are a few common methods for treating ice-pick acne scars. Dermal fillers, microneedling, and laser resurfacing are frequently used to treat rolling scars.

Is treatment worth it?

Many people have low self-esteem and feelings of self-consciousness when their acne scars and depressions form. Treatment options for acne scars are numerous, and Dr. Jaliman tailors each patient's approach to address their unique issues best. Dr. Jaliman will work with you to decide what acne scar treatments work best for your skin type and skin tone and whatever type of acne scars you currently have when you visit her dermatology practice in New York. Everyone agrees that treating acne scars is worthwhile to get a smoother, brighter, and long-lasting improvement to their complexion. However, as a reminder, there is a treatment process involved.

How Do I Get Started With Acne Treatment in New York?

Acne scars can be challenging to treat and can cause feelings of anxiety or low self-esteem in many people. Fortunately, a good deal of non-intrusive acne scar treatment methods are available at Dr. Jaliman's dermatology practice, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars and make a difference in the texture of your skin. Most acne scar patients require an individualized combined treatment approach to reduce their acne scars' appearance. A cosmetic dermatology specialist, like Dr. Jaliman in NYC, will work with you to design a personalized acne scar treatment plan that targets the specific types of acne scars you have and leaves you with a long-lasting, clear, smooth, and attractive complexion. We take before and after photos to document your progress.

If you want to discuss your acne or acne scar treatment more thoroughly, don't hesitate to contact the doctor and her professional team at Debra Jaliman, MD. Call us at   or use our online form to schedule a private consultation at our New York office. Dr. Jaliman is a board-certified dermatologist, look for the logo ABD when searching for your dermatologist.

Call us to consult with our expert to acheive superb results

Location & Directions

Debra Jaliman, MD Cosmetic Dermatologist and Botox NYC

931 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021

Opening Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Our office is HIPAA compliant.

We ask that you reschedule your appointment if you have COVID.

  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American Board of Dermatology
  • Mount Sinai
  • American Society for Dermatologic Surgery