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Have your Eczema Treatment in NYC by Dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD

Dr. Jaliman consults with many patients at her office in New York City to review their medical history and customize a treatment strategy for eczema. Depending on the severity, she will develop an individualized approach to meet your health goals and help heal your skin. Various factors, such as the type of clothing fabric you wear, like wool or mohair, can exacerbate the itchiness of your skin. The type of body wash or soap you use is also crucial. The presence of a humidifier or air purifier at your home will be discussed by the doctor. With years of experience, she has many ways to help you manage this skin condition. 

What is eczema?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition where the skin shows signs of inflammation, redness, and swelling. The skin tends to be dry and extremely itchy, leading to uncontrollable scratching of the affected areas throughout the body. 

When does eczema occur?

Eczema can develop at any age. It can first develop in children, during adolescence, or even in adulthood. Some babies get eczema from food allergies, most commonly cow's milk. The allergens are whey and casein. Infants need to have their diet changed.

What causes eczema?

It is genetic, so you may have a family history of it. Factors in the environment may also worsen and trigger it. Slightly more women than men have eczema.

How is the skin affected by eczema?

Studies have indicated that individuals with eczema possess lower levels of filaggrin due to genetic differences. Filaggrin plays a crucial role in binding skin cells and strengthening the skin by connecting keratin filaments. People with eczema experience a loss of moisture and develop gaps between their skin cells, resulting in the formation of microscopic holes in the skin. Research on eczema has also shown that patients have fewer ceramides, which are natural substances responsible for retaining moisture and preventing dryness. To alleviate dry and peeling skin, it is recommended to apply oil, creams, or ointments after bathing or showering to provide relief. 

How is the immune system affected?

Someone with eczema has an immune system that is overly sensitive and reacts to irritants in the environment and allergens.

What location does eczema occur in?

It can be seen as patches on the creases of the arms, legs, feet, toes, soles, knees, hands, palms, fingers, wrists, face, neck, hand, and chest. It can occur almost anywhere on the body.

What are the triggers for eczema, and how can you avoid them?

Combat the dry air in overheated apartments by using a humidifier, which can help restore moisture levels and improve overall comfort.

Be aware that certain metals, such as nickel, can be found in certain types of jewelry or even in the snaps on your jeans. Look for surgical stainless steel as a safer alternative.

  • Cold, windy weather.
  • Dryness in offices can worsen the skin.
  • Exposure to chlorine can be irritating.
  • A skin infection can trigger a flare,
  • Pollen allergies are triggers.
  • Cosmetics with strong acids and chemicals.
  • Fragrances can be found in any product. Choose fragrance-free products.
  • Stress and anxiety can cause a flare-up.
  • Sweating can worsen eczema.
  • Fabric softeners are irritants. Alpaca balls are a great alternative to fabric softeners, as they provide a gentle and natural way to soften your clothes without causing any irritation or rashes.
  • Opt for cotton underneath your sweater, and avoid certain fabrics that are irritating, like wool or mohair. 
  • Select laundry detergents without dye and perfume for sensitive skin to prevent flare-ups.
  • Soaps and deodorant soaps can cause skin irritation.
  • Use mild, super-hydrating soaps and body washes for sensitive skin.

What other conditions are associated with eczema?

It is associated with food allergies, hay fever, and asthma.

Are people with eczema more susceptible to contact dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is an allergic dermatitis but people who have these skin conditions seem to be more susceptible. They often need to be patch-tested.

Who is an eczema specialist?

It is best to see a board-certified doctor or healthcare provider who specializes in dermatology for a consultation and to discuss your treatment options. They will answer all your questions, discuss any concerns you may have, and devise a treatment plan specifically for you. It may also be beneficial to see an allergist to determine what specific allergies you have and to provide more information on your condition and the specific irritant that is causing your reaction. They work as a team with dermatologists to give you advice, suggest changes in your environment to minimize allergens, and decrease the risk of another bad flare of your eczema. Dr. Jaliman is an eczema specialist. She has been helping patients with eczema for over thirty years.

What are the eczema symptoms?

A rash can appear with thickened skin, oozing, crusting, raw skin from scratching, dry and cracked skin, or small raised bumps. The skin is usually very itchy. Usually, a dermatologist can make a diagnosis through a visual examination of the skin. Occasionally, a skin biopsy is necessary and is performed during the appointment under local anesthesia.

What is dyshidrotic eczema?

This is a type of eczema that consists of tiny blisters on the hands or feet.

Is there a cure for eczema?

There isn't a cure for eczema. There are many effective treatments available

What are the best moisturizers for eczema?

Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, and Shea butter are the best ones to look for.

How do topical calcineurin inhibitors work?

Calcineurin is a protein that increases inflammation, redness, and itching in the skin. An inhibitor blocks it and improves the eczema. There are 2 available prescription topicals in the United States. One is called Elidel (pimecrolimus) cream and the other is Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment.

What eczema treatment is available?

  • A moisturizer with ceramides to repair the barrier
  • Hydrocortisone cream/ointment or other steroids
  • Oatmeal baths
  • Bleach baths
  • Shorter showers with warm water instead of hot water
  • Prescription topical medication
  • Antihistamines to help with itching
  • Injectable monoclonal antibodies
  • New topical JAK inhibitor creams and medications
  • Calcineurin inhibitors 
  • Phototherapy
  • Light therapy

Call Dr. Jaliman's clinic in Manhattan, NYC at to schedule your appointment for Eczema skin care treatment today. We look forward to serving your skin care needs!

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Location & Directions

Debra Jaliman, MD Cosmetic Dermatologist and Botox NYC

931 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021

Opening Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Our office is HIPAA compliant.

We ask that you reschedule your appointment if you have COVID.

  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American Board of Dermatology
  • Mount Sinai
  • American Society for Dermatologic Surgery