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Have your Rosacea Treatment in NYC by Dermatologist, Debra Jaliman, MD

What is rosacea, and what causes it?

Rosacea is a facial condition usually composed of prominent redness and sometimes pimples and pustules. It tends to occur in the central part of the face and around the nose, cheeks, chin, and/or forehead. Contact us for an appointment for a consultation to learn more about acne rosacea treatment and discuss your skin concerns with dermatologist Dr. Debra Jaliman at her New York City practice. She is a dermatology specialist in acne rosacea and has treated patients, many men and women of all ages, for over 25 years. She stays up to date on all the latest research and studies. For example, a new article from South Korea found that patients with acne rosacea have elevated numbers of Demodex mites on their facial skin. Another study has shown that depression and anxiety may be seen with acne rosacea and may be caused by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and not just from the appearance of the rosacea alone. Dr. Jaliman has extensive experience with patients with all types and subtypes of rosacea. She can treat acne rosacea no matter which type.

Is rosacea a type of acne?

No, rosacea is not a type of acne, but it can sometimes be mistaken for it. While both conditions can cause redness and pimple-like bumps, they have different causes and require different treatments.

Who is most likely to develop rosacea?

This is a condition that affects millions of Americans. It actually affects 5 percent of the general population. Many don’t even know they have it. People come to my office with red faces, and they’re very distressed by it. Some try covering it with makeup, and often times they can’t even cover it. Imagine how bad it is for men who have acne rosacea if they’re not wearing makeup. It is an inflammatory condition that affects people’s self-esteem, and, for many people, not only do they have redness, but they also have breakouts, causing them to avoid social situations. The onset usually occurs in adults anywhere after the age of 30. There is an age range from 30 to 50 when it is most likely to be diagnosed. It can occur in anyone, but a person with fair skin is more at risk. Also, if there are cases of acne rosacea in your family, then you are more likely to develop it, as it can run in families. If you have a history of smoking, that also puts you at higher risk.

Rosacea Treatment NYC

Is rosacea hereditary?

Yes, rosacea can have a hereditary component. While the exact cause of rosacea is not fully understood, research suggests that genetics play a role, as it often runs in families. If you have a close relative with rosacea, you may be more likely to develop it.

What are the main symptoms of rosacea?

  • Rosacea causes redness of the central face (nose, cheeks, chin, forehead).
  • Visible blood vessels (capillaries or telangiectasias)
  • Pimples (not comedones)
  • Redness of the eyes and eye irritation (ocular rosacea)
  • Flushing
  • Facial swelling
  • Burning/stinging sensation (skin may feel warmer to the touch)
  • Dry skin
  • Enlargement of the nose (rhinophyma, more common in men)

This diagnosis can be difficult to make and can be confused with other skin conditions, including acne, contact dermatitis, eczema, lupus, seborrheic dermatitis, and perioral dermatitis. It is very important for dermatologists treating this condition to be very familiar with it and to have expertise in diagnosis and therapies in order to give guidance and advice and get you the best results. Dr. Jaliman will examine your skin carefully and ask you about any specific symptoms that you may experience. It may even be necessary to see an eye doctor if you have any symptoms relating to your vision. This is one of those inflammatory diseases that can cause problems in more than one area of the body. That is why it is often important for doctors to coordinate care and work as a team to treat this successfully. The complete health of the patient must be taken into account when developing a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into consideration all of the categories of the patient's life. (diet, product use, exercise, lifestyle)

Rosacea after topical medication in Manhattan, Upper East Side by a Dermatologist

Can rosacea be cured?

Acne rosacea cannot be cured. It will require an individually designed treatment plan. Everyone is different, and everyone requires an individualized approach. You can't go to Instagram or YouTube and follow some generic advice. The treatment may include prescription topical treatment, oral treatment, or a combination of both. It will also require a rosacea skin care regimen individually designed for you, as well as a rosacea diet explaining the foods that may trigger your rosacea. The doctor will also go over other things that may be responsible for your flare-ups, such as stress, steam, sauna, sun, and spicy food. Some medications, like topical steroids or blood pressure medication, for example, can have side effects and make rosacea worse. Some OTC items that you use may aggravate your condition and may need to be replaced with something else.

What are treatment options for rosacea?

Dr. Jaliman designs the best rosacea skincare regimen for you because there are many different treatments depending on the severity of the rosacea. Low-dose, time-released antibiotics can be taken by mouth. There are also a variety of topical treatments that have many benefits and are very effective. They may contain the following ingredients: metronidazole, niacinamide, and azelaic acid. These are specially formulated in non-irritating creams or serums that are available in our office and are used as part of rosacea therapy. Each regimen is uniquely designed for your skin, depending upon the severity of your skin condition. Every step of the regime, even the cleanser, is important. The doctor has developed a unique fragrance-free skin cleanser, especially for acne rosacea, that hydrates the skin yet doesn't block the pores and is anti-inflammatory. She also developed an aloe-based moisturizer that is anti-inflammatory and lightweight. Each step is discussed in detail. People with rosacea have very delicate, sensitive, reactive skin, and she helps choose the best rosacea treatment, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter products for rosacea. She will help you navigate the products available on the market and go over the details you should look for in an over-the-counter cream or anti-aging drops. She will help you avoid chemicals that could potentially irritate or exacerbate your skin disease. She will work with you in the management and support you through this process of managing this most complex skin condition. She is available to answer anything that concerns you and all of your questions and supply you with all the information you require. She has fully trained staff to assist her with her patients during the office visit.

Is There a Laser Procedure?

The redness can also be effectively treated with rosacea laser treatments. There is no surgery involved, and these are quick, easy, in-office services we provide. There are three lasers that we use in our office for rosacea treatments. The main laser is the Genesis laser, a 1064 YAG laser that calms down the redness and improves the facial lesions. This usually requires a number of treatments. A series of 4 to 6 treatments is performed two weeks to four weeks apart. The treatment addresses the signs of rosacea as it shrinks pores, reduces inflammation, and helps to decrease the redness in the skin. It has no downtime and no discomfort or pain. It uses a low level of laser energy, so it is gentle on the skin. It is such an effective laser that we use it for redness in other locations on the body, like the neck, chest, back, and even the legs. Another added benefit of this laser is that it stimulates collagen production, so we find that it gives the skin a glow and even diminishes fine lines and wrinkles. It's one of our lasers that always gets the best reviews.

Another laser that we use for acne rosacea is the Limelight laser, which is an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) that helps to even your skin color. The limelight helps to remove a combination of brown pigment and redness. The brown pigment and redness may darken temporarily following this procedure. This typically resolves within one week as the skin sheds the top layers of sun damage. Tinted sunscreen or make-up can be worn to disguise the appearance of the skin during this period.

It is important that there is no recent sun exposure or use of self-tanner for two weeks prior to the treatment. The skin cannot be tanned or artificially darkened, which will affect the laser treatment. Application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or above is recommended for the areas treated following laser therapy. We always recommend sunscreen with a high concentration of zinc oxide (zinc oxide with a concentration of at least 10%). Physical sunscreens are very effective and less likely to aggravate sensitive rosacea-prone skin. Sometimes, the chemicals in sunscreen can inflame the already red, rosacea-sensitive skin. We are experts at finding suitable sunscreen that you can tolerate, and it is essential that you wear sunscreen on a regular basis. There is a lot of research to suggest that UV light plays an essential role in rosacea. It causes inflammation and breaks blood vessels, which contribute to the redness that we see, and some scientists suggest it may even initiate the process.

There is a third laser that can be used if you have broken individual blood vessels, causing redness in your skin. This is called the CoolGlide laser. A series of one to three treatments may be needed. They should be scheduled four weeks apart. Sometimes, patients call a day or two after the treatment, thinking that the treatment didn't work, but it is important to note that it takes a full four weeks with this laser to see the results. Only then can we decide if we need to do another treatment or not.

Red and blue lights may also be used to minimize inflammation. These treatments take 30 minutes and usually require six treatments in total. We do not currently use the vbeam laser or the pulse dye laser. We do not recommend these laser procedures during pregnancy. Insurance does not cover laser treatments for acne rosacea.

How much does rosacea treatment cost?

Dermatology visits for rosacea are often covered by insurance so it’s best to check with your insurance company.

What foods trigger rosacea flare-ups?

  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy foods (chili peppers, jalapenos, hot sauce, Tabasco)
  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.)
  • Soy sauce
  • Vanilla
  • Tomatoes and products containing them
  • Caffeine (beverages: coffee, tea, cola drinks)
  • Hot drinks (wait for the drink to cool down)
  • Alcohol (especially red wine and beer) drink white wine
Rosacea after laser in Upper East Side, New York City by dermatologist, Debra Jaliman, MD

What else triggers rosacea flare ups?

  • Temperature: saunas, steam, hot baths (take cooler showers)
  • Weather: sun, heat, strong wind, cold (wear a silk scarf, not wool, to protect the face)
  • Emotions: anger, rage, embarrassment, anxiety (meditation can help)
  • Activity: exercise, chronic cough, straining
  • Drugs: niacin (Vitamin B3), nitroglycerin, some blood pressure medication, topicals (especially corticosteroids, retinoids, alcohol, acetones)
  • Menopause (changes in hormone levels)
  • Moisturizers or lotions (unless they are oil-free and non-comedogenic)
  • Ultraviolet light, sun lamps (apply sunscreen daily, wear a hat)
  • Household cleansers (ammonia)
  • Hair spray
  • Fragrance
  • Acids (glycolic and lactic)
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (in shampoo and foaming face cleansers)
  • Menthol
  • Heavy oils (can clog pores)
  • Essential oils (contain fragrance)
  • Makeup (containing heavy oils; look for non-comedogenic products)
  • products containing alcohol
  • Shea butter used for hydration

Test new products for a few days on your arm before putting them on your face. Don't use exfoliating scrubs, loofahs, or harsh sponges. Use calming products and ingredients. Don't wash your face with your hands, as there are bacteria under the fingernails. Use a cotton round or a baby washcloth. Treat the surface of your skin gently. Don't rub your skin to dry it. Pat it dry gently with a towel. Use a mild cleanser to wash with or micellar water. Make certain to clean your skin every night to remove the free radicals and pollutants from the environment before going to bed. It may be advisable to use a gentle product containing antioxidants to guard against free radical damage.

Is there a new treatment for rosacea?

There is a new FDA-approved prescription treatment for acne rosacea. It is a topical foam containing 1.5% minocycline, an antibiotic. It is called Zilxi. My patients have found it very effective, as it helps reduce the redness and decrease the bumps and blemishes.

What are the best treatments for rosacea?

The best treatments for rosacea depend on the severity and type of rosacea, but they generally focus on reducing inflammation, calming redness, and preventing flare-ups Then add the rest of those paragraphs afterwards.

What is Rosacea?

One of the most prevalent long-term skin conditions throughout the US is rosacea. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, over 3 million new instances of rosacea are diagnosed each year, affecting over 14 million people in the United States. Rosacea can cause a variety of signs and symptoms, such as redness on the face, lesions that resemble pimples, visible blood vessels, flushing, irritation of the eyes, dryness, and a stinging or burning feeling. Rosacea primarily affects the forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose on the face, but it can also affect the neck, chest, and back.

Although rosacea is a skin disorder that can affect anyone, people with a fair complexion who are between the ages of 30 and 50 are most typically affected. Males typically experience more severe symptoms of rosacea, even though women are more prone than males to developing it. Rosacea can be confused with skin disorders like contact dermatitis, lupus, eczema, and psoriasis. A precise diagnosis is crucial to ensure that your treatment plan includes the appropriate topical medications, oral antibiotics, and laser treatments.

Accurately identifying rosacea is crucial. Many rosacea cases were initially misdiagnosed as skin disorders, including psoriasis, eczema, or allergic contact dermatitis, because they appear with similar symptoms. A qualified medical practitioner, like Dr. Jaliman in NYC, must make the diagnosis to treat this skin issue appropriately. Dr. Jaliman may perform a physical examination to evaluate the state of your skin, go over your medical history in detail, look at any environmental triggers, and recommend the best course of action for you.

Why does my skin get red so easily?

In rosacea, the small blood vessels in the skin (capillaries) are more reactive and prone to dilation. This leads to persistent flushing and visible redness, especially on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead.

Rosacea is linked to chronic inflammation, which increases blood flow to the skin and contributes to persistent redness.

Types of Rosacea

Due to the complexity of rosacea, the condition has been subdivided into subtypes identified by how the skin looks. This division aids in the classification of rosacea. Patients may, however, have symptoms from several different subtypes at the same time.

Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea

This type is characterized by persistent facial redness and visible blood vessels (telangiectasia). It may cause a flushed or sunburned appearance and is often accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation.

Papulopustular Rosacea

Like traditional acne, this type of rosacea results in red, inflamed papules (small red bumps) and pustules (pimples filled with pus) on the central face. It may be mistaken for acne vulgaris.

Phymatous Rosacea

This subtype leads to skin thickening and enlargement of the nose (rhinophyma) and other facial areas like the chin, forehead, and ears. This thickening is often accompanied by visible blood vessels and can cause the nose to become bulbous in severe cases.

Ocular Rosacea

Ocular rosacea primarily affects the eyes. It can cause eye dryness, redness, itching, and even vision problems. Ocular rosacea symptoms may occur alongside other types of rosacea or on their own.

Common Signs of Rosacea

Acne rosacea, often called rosacea, is a skin condition that can cause various signs and symptoms. While it's essential to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, here are some common signs of rosacea:

  • Facial Redness: One of the hallmark signs of rosacea is persistent redness in the central part of the face, particularly the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. This redness can be mistaken for a flush or sunburn.
  • Pimple-Like Bumps: Acne-like bumps, also known as papules and pustules, often develop. These are not true acne pimples but can be similar in appearance. They can be sensitive and sometimes filled with pus.
  • Burning or Stinging Sensation: Many people with Rosacea report a burning or stinging sensation in their affected areas, which can be uncomfortable.
  • Eye Irritation: Ocular rosacea is a subtype of rosacea that affects the eyes. Symptoms may include redness, dryness, itching, and a gritty eye feeling. In severe cases, it can even lead to vision problems.
  • Thickened Skin: Over time, some individuals with rosacea may develop thickened skin, particularly around the nose. It is known as rhinophyma and is more common in men.
  • Flushing: Rosacea can cause episodes of facial flushing, which can trigger various factors like spicy foods, alcohol, hot beverages, and stress.
  • Swelling: Some individuals may experience facial swelling, particularly around the eyes, making the face feel puffy.

It's important to remember that rosacea varies from person to person, and not everyone with rosacea will experience all of these symptoms. If you suspect you have rosacea or are experiencing any of these signs, it's essential to consult a dermatologist in NYC.

Can rosacea be cured?

Rosacea is a skin condition that needs appropriate management but does not go away. The symptoms of rosacea, a chronic skin disorder, can come and go. Caffeine, alcohol, sun exposure, extremes in temperature, spicy meals, wind exposure, intense exercise, and stress are major causes of flare-ups for rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that needs to be monitored and treated by a skilled dermatologist. With over 25 years of experience, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jaliman has treated and diagnosed rosacea. She deals with those who are just starting to experience rosacea symptoms and those who have had flare-ups for years. She can create a long-lasting treatment plan that perfectly suits your needs immediately.

Can rosacea bumps be popped?

No, breakouts that resemble pimples are among the signs of rosacea symptoms. Let's say you have rosacea and experience red papules or pustules. If so, you must avoid popping the bumps, as this may exacerbate the damaged area, increase inflammation, and leave permanent scars. When skin inflammation permanently harms the underlying tissue, a scar forms, and it is frequently more difficult to cure than the original lesion. Make an appointment with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jaliman in New York City to avoid taking a chance at irreversible harm. To create a customized rosacea treatment plan involving topical medications, oral antibiotics, laser treatments, and customized skincare products suited to your specific needs, Dr. Jaliman will gather a comprehensive medical history and physically evaluate your skin condition.

Why does rosacea occur? Is rosacea genetic?

It is still unknown what causes rosacea most often. Nonetheless, rosacea is a skin condition that tends to occur in families and seems to have a hereditary or genetic basis. The possibility of developing rosacea is higher in people with a family member with a skin ailment. Fitzpatrick skin types I or II, associated with fair skin, are more prone than other skin types to develop rosacea. Though men are prone to experiencing severe symptoms, women are more inclined than men to get rosacea. Rosacea is a complicated skin condition impacted by environmental and genetic factors. The immune system, an H. pylori infection, and an overabundance of naturally occurring mites on the skin are a few more factors that could lead to the development of rosacea.

How is rosacea diagnosed?

A dermatologist will diagnose rosacea based on a review of your medical history and a physical examination of the skin condition. There is no specific test for rosacea. Dr. Jaliman will collaborate with you to create a treatment plan if you are given a rosacea diagnosis, which will help you control your symptoms and prevent flare-ups. To rule off other skin conditions, such as acne vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema dermatitis, and lupus, that could be mistaken for rosacea, certain tests might be prescribed.

How Can I Treat My Rosacea?

Control and management of rosacea can be achieved using medical therapy and appropriate treatment options. Rosacea frequently gets worse if left untreated. We tailor our remedies to each patient because different people may have different rosacea signs and symptoms.

Various in-office procedures, such as chemical peels, LED therapy, laser treatment for rosacea, and topical therapies, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory gels, can be used to treat rosacea. Dr. Jaliman rejuvenates the skin and lessens general redness with laser therapy.

Since every person's experience with rosacea is unique, we create individualized treatment programs to help you achieve optimal results. Treatment for acne rosacea differs from that of ocular rosacea, for instance. Natural treatments for rosacea may be the most effective for certain people.

Our patients have shown excellent results, frequently resolving their specific conditions by combining several therapies. Our team of professionals can advise you on the best course of action to treat any rosacea you may now have and to avoid future flare-ups.

How Many Laser Treatments Will Be Needed?

For the best results, multiple laser treatments are usually needed for rosacea. Most patients require 4-6 sessions. During your in-office appointment, Dr. Debra Jaliman will assess your skin and discuss the details with you.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for a Laser Procedure?

Individuals with persistent redness, visible blood vessels, or flushing that haven’t responded well to topical treatments or oral medications.

Is Anesthesia Needed?

Laser for rosacea is painless and does not require anesthesia.

What Can I Expect After Laser for Rosacea?

After rosacea laser treatment, little to no downtime is needed, and most patients can quickly return to their regular activities. You may experience slight sensitivity or redness for a few minutes after the procedure. In the weeks following treatment, it’s important to apply sunscreen and moisturizer regularly while avoiding excessive sun exposure.

What Kind Of Results Should I Expect From the Treatment?

Laser therapy helps reduce facial redness, improve your skin’s appearance, and diminish the visible signs of rosacea. Laser Genesis offers lasting results for a clearer, more even complexion.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Q: How can I find a dermatologist specializing in treating rosacea in NYC?

You can search for a dermatologist in New York City specializing in acne rosacea by checking with your insurance provider, asking for recommendations from your primary care physician, or using online directories.

Q: How can I prevent flare-ups of rosacea in a city with much pollution like New York?

To prevent flare-ups in a city with high pollution levels, consider protecting your skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen, using gentle skin care products, avoiding triggers like spicy foods and alcohol, and using protective clothing like hats and scarves.

Q: Are there any natural remedies or lifestyle changes that can help manage rosacea?

Some people find relief through natural remedies and lifestyle changes, such as avoiding known triggers, practicing stress management techniques, and using products with minimal ingredients. However, it's essential to consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.

Q: What makeup is best for covering rosacea?

The best makeup for covering rosacea is gentle, non-comedogenic, and designed for sensitive skin. Mineral-based makeup is a good option.

Q: What are the best sunscreens for rosacea?

The best sunscreens for rosacea are gentle, mineral-based (physical), and free of irritating ingredients like fragrance, alcohol, and chemical filters. Look for sunscreens containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as they provide broad-spectrum protection and are less likely to cause irritation.

Q: What treatments are available for rosacea?

Treatments for acne rosacea in New York City may include topical creams, oral antibiotics, laser therapy, and lifestyle modifications. The best approach will depend on the severity of your condition, so consult a dermatologist for a personalized treatment plan.

Q: Can stress management techniques benefit rosacea in a high-stress environment?

Absolutely. Managing stress is vital for acne rosacea patients in New York City. Stress can trigger flare-ups, so incorporating stress reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing into your daily routine can be beneficial.

Q: Are there support groups or resources available for people with this condition?

Yes, there are support groups, online forums, and local resources in New York City where individuals with acne rosacea can connect, share experiences, and find emotional support. Dermatology clinics and patient advocacy organizations may offer information on these resources.

Q: Should I get a second opinion on my rosacea diagnosis?

If your rosacea diagnosis is unclear, your symptoms aren’t improving with treatment, or you suspect another condition might be causing your skin issues, getting a second opinion can be helpful. Rosacea can sometimes be mistaken for acne, eczema, or even lupus, so consulting another dermatologist can provide clarity and ensure the best treatment plan for your skin.

Q: Does rosacea get worse with age?

Yes, rosacea can get worse with age for some people. While it may start as mild redness or flushing, over time, symptoms can become more persistent and severe, leading to more noticeable redness, visible blood vessels, and even thickening of the skin. However, with proper treatment and lifestyle adjustments, many people can manage their symptoms and prevent worsening over time. Regular check-ins with a dermatologist can help adjust treatment plans as needed.

Are you tired of dealing with the redness and discomfort of rosacea?

At Dr. Debra Jaliman office, we understand the challenges you face, and we’re here to help. Our personalized treatment plan combines prescription medications, customized skincare, and cutting-edge lasers to reduce rosacea symptoms effectively. Contact us to schedule your consultation and take the first step in managing your rosacea.

New York Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a prevalent, little-known skin condition affecting an estimated 16 million people in the United States. It is common to confuse rosacea with other skin conditions due to its common symptoms, including broken capillaries, redness, pustules resembling acne, and surface dryness. For this reason, we advise arranging a comprehensive appointment with Dr. Debra Jaliman. We serve patients from New York City and the neighboring areas.

Lasers for rosacea

Laser treatments can effectively reduce the redness and inflammation associated with rosacea. To help alleviate symptoms, we offer options like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), CoolGlide laser, and Laser Genesis. During your appointment, we’ll discuss which treatment is best suited to your needs.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive treatment that helps reduce redness, inflammation, and visible blood vessels caused by rosacea.

Using gentle, controlled heat, it targets the tiny capillaries beneath the skin, gradually reducing redness and stimulating collagen production for a smoother, more even complexion. Typically, a series of 4 to 6 treatments, spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart, is recommended for the best results.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL)

IPL treatments use light energy to target the blood vessels beneath the skin. The focused light pulses are absorbed by the blood vessels, causing them to break down.

Over time, your body naturally absorbs these vessels, helping to reduce redness and blemishes for a clearer complexion.

Expert care for rosacea

Rosacea can have a big emotional impact, especially since it affects the appearance of your face. If left untreated, it can also worsen over time.

Dr. Debra Jaliman offers a wide range of treatment options to help manage rosacea. Based on your unique needs, your treatment plan may include prescription oral and/or topical medications, customized skincare products, and identifying triggers. With her expertise in the latest rosacea treatments, Dr. Jaliman will work with you to create a personalized plan that works best for your skin.

Topical Medications for Redness Reduction

Regular application of brimonidine (Mirvaso) helps reduce redness by constricting the blood vessels in the face. Other topical medications, such as metronidazole and azelaic acid, have also been shown to reduce redness and acne associated with rosacea. Our office offers highly effective yet gentle topical treatments for rosacea, which you can find here.

Are there any oral prescription medications for rosacea?

Yes, there are several oral prescription medications that can help manage rosacea, particularly for more persistent or severe cases. These medications are often used when topical treatments alone are not enough.

There are antibiotics (Anti-Inflammatory Effects):

Like Doxycycline (Oracea,) – Low-dose doxycycline is FDA-approved for rosacea and helps reduce inflammation without acting as a traditional antibiotic. Minocycline or Tetracycline – Sometimes prescribed for their anti-inflammatory effects. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is used in severe cases, particularly when rosacea presents with acne-like breakouts that don’t respond to other treatments.

Which body parts are affected by rosacea?

Rosacea often affects the forehead, chin, cheeks, and nose. Other body parts that may be affected by rosacea include the eyes, neck, scalp, chest, and back. Rosacea is sometimes confused with acne vulgaris because it frequently affects the same parts of the body and face as acne and is linked to cases that resemble pimples. On the other hand, Rosaceae and acne vulgaris are two distinct skin conditions. Certain treatment choices for acne and rosacea may have some overlap, like oral antibiotics or V-beam laser treatment. Dr. Jaliman may suggest other topical treatments to help control rosacea symptoms and avoid flare-ups. Upon your visit to Dr. Jaliman's dermatology office in New York, she will take a complete medical history and perform a physical examination to determine the correct diagnosis and create a customized treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Leaving Rosacea Untreated

What occurs if rosacea is not taken care of? Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that primarily affects one's face and, in highly uncommon cases, the body. Rosacea is characterized by a reddish-pink rosy rash around the eyes and nose that contains little swelling pimples called papules and spider veins (telangiectasia). Untreated rosacea can result in deformities on the face.

Usually, rosacea flares up in its initial stages and gets less severe when it goes through the stages. While some rosacea cases may be minor, some may result in serious side effects like rhinophyma, stabbing or burning pain, and poor vision. More research is required to determine what stage rosacea reaches for individuals with it.

Furthermore, there is no treatment for rosacea. Antibiotics, spironolactone, cosmetic surgery, and laser surgery to eliminate face lesions are among the treatment options offered by rosacea specialists in NYC. Seek the finest medical care for your condition by visiting a NYC rosacea specialist.

Surgery can improve blood flow in the nose and unclog blocked pores, which can help lessen the apparent signs of rosacea. However, these treatments have negative effects, and the condition might not improve completely.

What Happens If You Have A Rosacea Flare-Up?

The specific cause of every flushing, redness, blushing, and apparent blood vessel (telangiectasia), which represents the outward symptoms of rosacea, is unknown, not even to the top rosacea specialist in NYC. However, there is a ton of information that suggests that a variety of factors combine to cause them. These include lifestyle factors like stress and lack of sleep, underlying medical conditions, including autoimmune disorders, and the impact of medications. They include flushing triggers such as spicy meals, fever, alcohol, hot weather, and sun exposure.

Conditions Mistaken for Rosacea and Exactly Why You Need to See a NYC Rosacea Specialist

What could be mistaken for rosacea? The face's cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, and central upper area are affected by telangiectasia and transitory erythema in rosacea, a benign facial dermatosis. Rosacea was thought to be limited to that part of the face, but some people now think it can appear anywhere on the body. It is crucial to remember that rosacea can appear as skin lesions or changes in skin texture that are not limited to the face.

Rosacea has been mistakenly identified as acne vulgaris for a long time. Researchers at the University of Arizona have compared the two scenarios using phototrichograms. This camera-less standard skin surface biopsy technique records changes in hair follicle size and structure under magnification. Dermatologists advise that a rosacea specialist should assess anyone with acne vulgaris before beginning treatment due to the study's considerable disparities between the two conditions. According to a study by the University of Arizona, those with rosacea have follicles that are different in size from those with acne.

Age of onset (40–50 years), relationship with flushing and blushing, rapid flare-ups of symptoms without clear cause, telangiectasias, inflammatory pustules and papules, and histological image of erythema with telangiectasia are some of the characteristics that distinguish rosacea apart from other dermatoses.

The following skin conditions could be misdiagnosed as rosacea:

Acne vulgaris*, rosacea photo distributed, polymorphic light eruption, perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme, purpura (guttate or papular), and systemic lupus erythematosus.

* The appearance of comedones and concurrent involvement of other facial and trunk areas help to differentiate acne vulgaris from rosacea.

Consulting a Dermatologist and a Specialist in Treating Rosacea in NYC

Is it beneficial to see a dermatologist in NYC who specializes in treating rosacea? This is probably a question you’ve asked yourself more than once. The answer is yes. Consulting, a dermatologist who specializes in this condition is essential for several reasons. They can accurately diagnose your condition and create a specialized treatment plan just for you. A rosacea expert, in NYC can evaluate whether there are any underlying health issues like lupus that are being misdiagnosed as rosacea. Additionally, seeing a dermatologist for rosacea can lead to the discovery of other symptoms or health concerns.

It’s important to know that visiting a rosacea specialist in cosmetic dermatology, in NYC involves more than just a physical examination and diagnosis. They can also provide valuable insights into various aspects of managing rosacea, such as makeup application techniques or strategies to cope with triggers that can worsen your symptoms. If you’re interested in learning more about rosacea, contact the National Rosacea Society.

Call us to consult with our expert to acheive superb results

Location & Directions

Debra Jaliman, MD Cosmetic Dermatologist and Botox NYC

931 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021

Opening Hours

Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Our office is HIPAA compliant.

We ask that you reschedule your appointment if you have COVID.

  • American Academy of Dermatology
  • American Board of Dermatology
  • Mount Sinai
  • American Society for Dermatologic Surgery